Motta House
3808 Fordham St.
There are many personal reasons to get the solar panels and battery back-ups.After the effects of Hurricane Harvey and when gas prices reached over $3/gal, I decided to get my first Tesla Model 3 due to weekly mileage just to get to work and back. |

Renewable energy features
Solar PV
kW: 9.7
31 solar panels 300 W
Retail Electric Provider
Host Comments
After living in Texas for so many years, the sun is always shining. So, with a new home in Denton Co, we decided to go ahead with solar power and a battery back-up. Knowing Texas weather, it was prudent to have power for the house 24/7.
After getting the solar, the power generation provides a very good and inexpensive source of charging electrical power for the Tesla soon to arrive. I was fortunate that CoServ is our provider and I am able to get a credit on power usage from the excess power generation. The battery back-up is good for about 4-5 days of normal power usage (barring HVAC and electric dryer use).
This combination of solar and battery back-up power came to be a valuable asset during the cold and snow event of Feb 2021. The house generated power doing the daytime and the batteries powered the house at night during all the brown and black-outs experienced across Texas. In fact, neighbors were able to come by and warm-up, shower, cook, etc. during the extended outages providing a valuable community service opportunity. During other severe weather, the solar and battery systems help keep the house functional and provides a degree of security during these stressful times.
This past summer with all the ERCOT requests for energy conservation, our home was un-impacted. Solar provided visually all the daily needs to include the use of the HVAC systems and provide extra power to grid while the batteries were available for extra home needs or charging the EV’s. In fact, there was so much extra production, the electric bill from the utility provide was $0.00. July 2022 was only $130.